BKB Diary

Hi SG/Timepass/All,
Request your inputs on the above. Thanks.
Hi bkb, I am strictly an intraday options trader these days so I don't analyse anything very deep. But I admire you looking up various scrips and coming up with your analyses. Keep it up :thumb:


Well-Known Member

I have following stock on my watch list, expecting significant moves/few percentage points changes intraday, for Tue 28-Aug-2012:

- SBIN (Looking at going Short, preferably at ~ 1,863.45 and cover at ~ 1,827.50 and if conditions are favorable then revise the target with strict trailing stop loss).

It seems if Nifty is in Red tomorrow, then 'Bank NIFTY' may come under greater selling pressure. Just my opinion.
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I have following stock on my watch list, expecting significant moves/few percentage points changes intraday, for Tue 28-Aug-2012:

- SBIN (Looking at going Short, preferably at ~ 1,863.45 and cover at ~ 1,827.50 and if conditions are favorable then revise the target with strict trailing stop loss).

It seems if Nifty is in Red tomorrow, then 'Bank NIFTY' may come under greater selling pressure. Just my opinion.
It closed at 1844. Do you think that it has a chance of going up to 1863 ?? if not, how will you handle this trade ?

Also, has Tatamotors made a reversal ? It was on your Long yesterday. It hasn't fallen much but still, looks down.


Well-Known Member
Hi timepass,

Thanks TP for going through my post and posting your query.

If SBIN does not come upto my expected entry level for trade (~ 1,863), then I will not trade it.

My script selection is only for intraday for next business day. I do not trade the trigger(s) for following day(s). As you mentioned, TATAMOTORS move was in opposite direction of my expectation and was down yesterday. I am not trading the same today.

Thanks and Regards,

It closed at 1844. Do you think that it has a chance of going up to 1863 ?? if not, how will you handle this trade ?

Also, has Tatamotors made a reversal ? It was on your Long yesterday. It hasn't fallen much but still, looks down.


Well-Known Member

I have following stocks on my watch list, expecting significant moves/few percentage points changes intraday, for Wed 29-Aug-2012:

- LICHSGFIN (looking at going Long, preferably at ~ 247.20 and cover at ~ 249.00)
- AXISBANK ((looking at going Short, preferably at ~ 1,024.15 and cover at ~ 1,013.65)


Well-Known Member

I have following stock on my watch list, expecting significant moves/few percentage points changes intraday, for Thu 30-Aug-2012:

- BAJAJ-AUTO (Looking at going Short)


Well-Known Member

I have following stock on my watch list, expecting significant moves/few percentage points changes intraday, for Wed 05-Sep-2012:

- HDFC (Looking at going Short, preferably at ~ 726.00 and cover at ~ 712.35)


Well-Known Member

I have following stock on my watch list, expecting significant moves/few percentage points changes intraday, for Thu 06-Sep-2012:

- ICICIBANK (Looking at going Short)

I have following stock on my watch list, expecting significant moves/few percentage points changes intraday, for Thu 06-Sep-2012:

- ICICIBANK (Looking at going Short)
Tomorrow may see a small bounceback. What level are looking for shorting ICICI ?

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