Amibroker Database for NSE stocks


Active Member
hi murthymsr
Thanks a lot for the link.Sorry to have troubled you.Next time I try to search first and then ask on this forum.
with warm regards
Hello Murthy Garu or Karthik,

New here. I have downloaded NSE data both with CEM downloader as well as Pankaj's software Download and convertor. CEM requires a favorite list to be initially made and as I assumed that the stocks would be different in each year came up with 2063 stocks. After a long wait I managed the text file and imported. then I cleaned up as your suggestion and then finally deleted the stocks that were not in the list you had. There are a few new ones which I have input.

I have also got details of the split and bonus from your link in the post. My question is does one apply for each year going back to 2000, which is the max the site offers. IL&FS site. What happens to price details prior to that or does one simply then use data from 2000 onwards to be accurate. If Bhav copy is raw data, then would I still not have incorrect data post 1999 and pre 2000 in this case?

I am trying to have data integrity as much as possible, a stickler which I see is also the spirit on the forum.

I am yet to progress to the other issue. First the split and bonus issues though. The drop down menu also mentioned rights issue? We do not do anything with that or???

thanks again - I am learning quite a lot, thanks to all of you.


For those of you who may want an Excel file with the splits and bonuses from 2000. This is a cut and paste operation from the IL&FS site.


I am new to, i would like to know how to use amibroker software for indian market, and how to incooperate the NSE share with amibroker software.Kindly inform me.


Well-Known Member
I am new to, i would like to know how to use amibroker software for indian market, and how to incooperate the NSE share with amibroker software.Kindly inform me.
dear ajith,
you may go through the various threads running on AmiBroker in this forum and you may get the required familiarity. still any questions, you may post and surely somebody will answer your query.

all the best.
Hi Mr. Murthymsr,

I have been following ur very enlightening posts in this forum with great admiration. I am taking my first tentative steps with AFL and wud appreciate if u cud answer/ throw some light on the following with regards to the AFL code that has been posted in this thread:

1. In the AllMySymbolsAfl.txt posted by u to retrieve all the symbols in the database, u have used the following code:
"Buy = Close > myclose AND Volume > myvolume AND Close * Volume / 100000 > mylakhs;"
I believe that we need to filter out quotations with 0 volume (in case of some indices in the symbol list), so the volume test condition is understandable. Why are we testing for "Close > 0" and the 3rd condition above.

2. If we really wanted ALL the symbols then wud the following code be valid?:
Buy = 1; //includes all quotes
//no need for Sellsignal
Buy = ExRem(Buy,0);

Thanks in advance for your feedback

With regards


Well-Known Member
Hi Mr. Murthymsr,

I have been following ur very enlightening posts in this forum with great admiration. I am taking my first tentative steps with AFL and wud appreciate if u cud answer/ throw some light on the following with regards to the AFL code that has been posted in this thread:

1. In the AllMySymbolsAfl.txt posted by u to retrieve all the symbols in the database, u have used the following code:
"Buy = Close > myclose AND Volume > myvolume AND Close * Volume / 100000 > mylakhs;"
I believe that we need to filter out quotations with 0 volume (in case of some indices in the symbol list), so the volume test condition is understandable. Why are we testing for "Close > 0" and the 3rd condition above.

2. If we really wanted ALL the symbols then wud the following code be valid?:
Buy = 1; //includes all quotes
//no need for Sellsignal
Buy = ExRem(Buy,0);

Thanks in advance for your feedback

With regards
thanks paul for your interest in this thread and the good words.

/* AllMyStocks.AFL : To get All stocks in the database for assigning sectors and Industries
written by murthymsr

// inputs
myvolume = 0;
myclose = 0;
myLakhs = 0;

// list stocks symbols meeting the inputted criteria

// Buy = Volume > myvolume;
Buy = Close > myclose AND Volume > myvolume AND Close * Volume / 100000 > mylakhs;

Buy = ExRem(Buy, Sell);
Sell = ExRem(Sell, Buy);
the AFL referred is reproduced above.
this is a type of standard format of stock selection template i would prefer to have.
with this you may select stocks meeting different set of filter conditions.

however, as you want ALL the stocks, at this time, with


Buy = Close > myclose AND Volume > myvolume AND Close * Volume / 100000 > mylakhs;

is the same as :
Buy = close>0 AND Volume>0 AND close*volume>0;


which is what you wanted to say.

if you wanted to use the AFL for generating the list of ALL traded symbols, and for NOTHING else,


is more than adequate, as you rightly pointed out.

further, you may assign different vaslues to myclose,myvolume & mylakhs to get a reduced set of stocks meeting the specified criteria.

such template will have many applications
you may also read my post at:

to get the template in a different way. i too, like you all studying and improvising my knowledge as time passes by and sharing my observations in this forum.

thanks again for the interest.



Well-Known Member
Hi friends

I had promised keep you updated on the new listing Sector, Industry assignment. Could not do so due to work overload. Anyway slowly we will catch up with it one by one as and when I find time..

New listing Update:

Company: GTL Infrastructure Ltd
Nature of Business: Indias First 3rd Party shared user telecom Infrastructure provider
Sector: Telecom
Industry : Equipment ( maybe be debatable. But due lack of other section we will put it under equipment)



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