A Strong Trading Mind

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Well-Known Member
EFT Tips

  1. Be persistent! If the issue doesn't clear, continue tapping until it does. If it still won't budge, make an appointment to see an EFT practitioner (a Google search will show you practitioners in your area), as you may have some limiting beliefs that you're not aware of that are preventing you from healing. A practitioner will help you uncover it and tap it away, usually within a single session.
  2. EFT is a fairly forgiving technique and you may notice that some online videos/articles on the subject, may use different sequences; this does not negate the effectiveness of EFT, so try not to feel confused. Stick with what feels right for you.
  3. Drink a lot of water before, during, and after tapping, as the emotional and energetic clearing can be dehydrating. Also, drinking water will help your energy flow, thereby increasing the effectiveness of EFT.
  4. Be as specific as you can about the issue. For example, don't just say just "I'm depressed." A more specific phrase would be "I feel depressed about my job"/love life/finances, etc.


EFT is not intended as a replacement to medical experts.
You cannot hurt yourself using EFT.


Well-Known Member
Daily Habits of Wealthy People

If you think becoming rich is about luck, think again. It may have more to do with how you spend your day, beginning with the hour you wake up.

Financial planner Tom Corley spent five years observing more than 350 “rich” and “poor” people, how they live, work and even sleep and captured them all in his book, "Rich Habits: The Daily Success Habits of Wealthy Individuals." He defined “wealthy” as earning at least $160,000 annually and holding at least $3.2 million in assets. “Poor” was income under $30,000 a year and less than $5,000 in assets.

“I realized, it’s not so much what’s going on in business, it’s the daily habits, the activities, that are the reason for your wealth or your poverty,” says Corley.

Early Risers

Corley found that rich folks often take advantage of those wee morning hours. Specifically, 44% wake up three hours before their 9-to-5 job. In those hours they focus on self improvement, reading educational material, like trade journals or industry blogs. They’ll squeeze in a workout, too, which Corley says leads to a more productive day at work.

Keep a Running List of Tasks

Once they reach their offices, the wealthy don’t waste time. Most maintain a daily to-do list and check off 70% of their tasks each day. And they’re not just obsessed with short-term plans. Seventy percent of the wealthy surveyed set long-term goals, as well.

No Long Lunches

Taking a long, leisurely lunch isn’t a wealthy habit, either. Instead, 55% network, wheel and deal between bites.

Calorie Counting

Speaking of eating, rich folks are big calorie counters. Corley found most wealthy people limit alcoholic consumption and keep junk food snacks to just 300 calories per day, not just so that they can fit into their skinny jeans. “Wealthy people are healthy people. To wealthy people being healthy is about making more money,” says Corley. “If they’re healthy they have fewer sick days, they’re exercising, they have more energy, they maintain health their entire lives so they can work longer careers.”

No Gossiping

Consider this before spreading the latest workplace rumors: 79% of low-income people admit to gossiping, compared with just 6% of wealthy individuals.

Limited Internet

Finally, when it’s time to punch out at the end of the day, how do you unwind? Head to the bar? Veg out in front of the TV? While most wealthy folks reported activities such as networking, volunteering and socializing, Corley found a majority of those struggling with their finances spent more than an hour on recreational Internet use, and were twice as likely to hop on Facebook every day.


Well-Known Member
A Simple Money Spell

Now you might laugh, but this is GREAT FUN and it reaches the parts of us that you just can't get to with balance sheets and suitcases full of paper money.

Be brave, just read it out aloud!

It’s shorter than 60 seconds, so you can loop it and do it more than once. If you clap along and actually ALLOW YOURSELF TO ENJOY THIS, it will be many more Times more effective.

You can teach it to your kids if you have any and get them to sing it to you in the car.

A marvellous stress buster and a sweet golden ray of happy magic:

Money in my pockets,
And money in my hand,
Money in my home,
And money in the bank.
Money streams towards me
Like the river to the sea
Its easy and its magical
As counting one, two three …

Aaaand …..

There’s money in my pocket …:clap::clap::clap:
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Well-Known Member
The Happiness Ritual:

Early Morning:
~Visualize your day going well (5 minutes)
~List all the good things in your life
~Exercise (10 mins +)


~Review all the good moments of the day (1 minute)
~Think of all the good things you’re grateful for (1 minute)
~Visualize your life going well (5 minutes)

Try this for a week and let me know how much better you feel. Your habits of thinking will begin to change for the better. You’ll even start to get used to a positive future with elements in your life going well. Positive expectation will improve your performance and your results will begin to improve.


Well-Known Member
Affirmations for Abundance and Prosperity
  • My bank balance is always healthy
  • Abundance flows to me
  • I prosper in everything I do
  • I am unlimited in my financial achievements
  • I accept affluence
  • I deserve prosperity
  • I am a money magnet
  • Money comes to me easily and effortlessly
  • I hold prosperous thoughts
  • My wealth is increasing every day
  • I open to the flow of great abundance in all areas of my life
  • I always have more than enough of everything I need
  • Today I expand my awareness of the abundance all around me
  • I allow the universe to bless me in surprising and joyful ways
  • My grateful heart attracts more of everything I desire
  • Prosperity surrounds me, prosperity fills me, prosperity flows to me and through me
  • I exude passion, purpose and prosperity
  • I am always led to the people who need what I have to offer
  • As my commitment to help others grows, so does my wealth
  • My day is filled with limitless potential in joy, abundance and love

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