Which is the most rewarding trading stock, futures or options

Any experienced traders can answer this question.Which is the most rewarding trading stock, futures or options?

Lets say i have 60000 rupees to trade so which trading system should i take to get more profit (risk doesnt matter)


Well-Known Member
Any experienced traders can answer this question.Which is the most rewarding trading stock, futures or options?

Lets say i have 60000 rupees to trade so which trading system should i take to get more profit (risk doesnt matter)
Options give the highest ROI. Next are futures. Stocks give the least ROI.

For a new trader:
Stocks trading with lowest number of shares of will give the least loss and your capital can survive long enough to learn trading profitably.
Futures and options trading will give large losses in smallest amount of time and all capital will be gone before you even begin to learn trading.

First make profits in demo/paper trading and after that go for real trading.

Your focus on ROI, ignoring risk (which is a very important part of trading well) rings danger bells for your trading account.


Well-Known Member
Any experienced traders can answer this question.Which is the most rewarding trading stock, futures or options?

Lets say i have 60000 rupees to trade so which trading system should i take to get more profit (risk doesnt matter)
If you think risk doesn't matter , trading is not for you.

It is not the system which gets you more profit,it is your discipline.
Successful traders can use the worst of strategies and still make good money.
Gambling traders can take the best of strategies and still loose a lot of money.

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options = u go on wrong side u will loose all money in 1 week or 2
Futures = u go broke when u on wrong side and u no longer have margin to pay M2M losses i.e margin call

if u play 45 days left to option intelligently u can make hell lot of money tho
as begineer my advice don;t play option..

and i will sugest to enter future only if u have at least x2 time money required for span margin
Any experienced traders can answer this question.Which is the most rewarding trading stock, futures or options?

Lets say i have 60000 rupees to trade so which trading system should i take to get more profit (risk doesnt matter)
Bro, Future and Option is really rewarding. Only thing that you should have very disciplined trading system/habit. Risk is always there which can throw you out of the market. So trade after proper basic and advanced study, paper trading for atleast 1 months in live market.
Well I consider the best way to make money is by trading in Forex. If you have enough knowledge about it and can analyze the market properly it is the best way to earn more and more profits.
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