Market Myths


New Member
It seems that Indicators and Market techniques are all illusion.We try to give some meanings to some patterns when they start appering as market progresses with inherent volatility.So long they are there it is fine but when it stops it becomes more than worse and completely useless.Here we are caught at wrong side of the game.Nobody knows what is cooking behind the screen and who is upto what.Only strong trending market can offer some profit out of trading .Indicators at best can guide us to start the trade but afer that it is upto us to manage it in total uncertainty.Many times when we enter the market it starts reversing as if it was just awiting your entry. It seems that someone real is driving the market and watching us to default.If it is so who are they? Answer is not simple and fortcoming.Total psyche of total traders.But everybody is here to make money which is more illusive than stable with either bull or bear.Is it a game of psychology or rich people who are fond of playing with money or something esle,undefind?
It is my first post and I earnestly want to know the people who are cosistently making money with very simple metodology and technique.


Well-Known Member
I know this, have experienced this. When the moving averages cross over gives buy signal and you enter long, the market just reverses and the cross over turover turns out to be a "whipsaw" :D


Well-Known Member
That is why I abandoned all my TA long ago and instead switched to Volume Spread Analysis. VSA is a hell lot difficult to practice but does produce results.


Well-Known Member
p r i c e a c t i o n ..........all the rest are crutches........
Isn't it funny that indicators are dictated by price, but we still believe that indicators will dictate price "when I am taking a trade based on those indicators"? :D

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