hello how can indians trade in FOREX market


Well-Known Member
Can anyone tell me easy way to trade in FOREX market from INDIA and without getting caught or breaking any law?
Easy! Shift to UK or USA......but keep your heart in India :)
Can anyone tell me easy way to trade in FOREX market from INDIA and without getting caught or breaking any law?
Easy! Shift to UK or USA......but keep your heart in India :)
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Well,use someone's account who's not from India(may be your best friend from US,cousin or any relative etc)..
They'd open an account for you using their documents..so you trade,you put money in their account.The only prob is they'd have to pay a tax as US Govt is very much strict abt taxation thing.So,share some profit with them.

I do have another solution too...lemme know If I cld assist.

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