Hello from an ex software engineer

Hello Everyone,

I am Rahul, a software engineer who is soon gonna turn 30 and who loves creating beautiful web experiences. I graduated in the year 2012 and since then (till early 2020) I tried a lot of different things in software engineering. But today before signing up on this forum, I've already left the SE field for good and now committed to try my best to become a full-time trader.

It's not that I am not happy with my job or not earning well enough (I became an IT engineer by following my passion and my last drawn salary was INR 120k per month which is sufficient for me & my small family) but my urge to shift from software industry to trading is because deep inside me resides a philanthropist and an entrepreneur who wants to retire early and do something for humanity and I know that while working on a 9 to 5 setup won't ever let me do that. Hence I am trying a bet here.

I haven't done much calculations yet, but I know that if things go down south, I will still have an option to go back to my normal SE job. I am sure many of you will think that here comes another maniac who is over enthusiastic about his plans or is simply mad who is risking his well-settled job but you must also know that every successful human being, dead or alive; has taken such mad decision at some point in life to achieve what they're known for.

I am looking forward to hear your thoughts on it and do tell me how you see this, is it a gamble I am doing with my life or its a brave decision taken by me?
I don't know how can I utilize this website to its best, but I will try to update this thread with my progress in this journey.

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Bhai its your life do what you please with it :)

Conserve your capital,

First let your trading system prove it self, then allocate funds to it
Increase funding very very gradually . . .

It's a good time to be trading with very good range and volatility,
Just after a big events (covid-19 + Lockdown) the volatility shoots up
but we will be entering a phase of volatility contraction,
that is when the bleeding by 1000 cut happens . . .

So conserve your trading capital

All the best :up:

Bhai its your life do what you please with it :)

Conserve your capital,

First let your trading system prove it self, then allocate funds to it
Increase funding very very gradually . . .

It's a good time to be trading with very good range and volatility,
Just after a big events (covid-19 + Lockdown) the volatility shoots up
but we will be entering a phase of volatility contraction,
that is when the bleeding by 1000 cut happens . . .

So conserve your trading capital

All the best :up:

Thank you @Happy_Singh for your wise words. I completely agree with your view towards market these days. I am aware that market is getting ready for a blood bath once before touching new heights. That's why I am only concentrating on day trade until the volatility settles down and market goes in a long term trend :)
A lot of traders become traders after their careers in some other field, and that's normal, I just want to wish you good luck if you still have doubts about how well you are doing.
Each of us has started and made a lot of mistakes, but over time you adapt and everything starts to work out much better.
The most important thing is for you to do what you love, because it will always be the best motivation for you. And do not be afraid of difficulties, of course they will happen sometimes, but you will cope with it if you do not get upset and continue to work on yourself fully.
Hey, Rahul! It sounds to me like a very brave decision to leave your old job to start doing something completely new. Most of us couldn't have done something like that, but you did) I hope you'll be successful in trading. If you have any questions or any problems, don't be afraid to post on the forum again!


Well-Known Member
Hi Rahul, how many years of trading experience do you have. Have you developed the essential trading habits. How has been your performance so far. Are you even tempered in wins and losses. Have you a satisfactory strategy that gives at least 50% win rate.
All the best.
Hi Rahul,
How you are feeling at trading after spending more than 3 weeks?
What strategies you are adopting? Just suggestion is to go steady. The back testing results and real trades are poles apart. When we start trading with real money, the monkey mind drives us crazy leading for many a mistakes, which one never commit in other situations. Yes, indeed, the discipline coupled with patience can lead for success!
All the best
Well there's nothing wrong in following your passion bro. You have guts to follow your heart and so be on the right track now. Just give it your best. Now that you have shifted and taken this decision, give it your best shot. Just go slow, be consistent and trade with patience and discipline.
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