Avoid Distrctions


Well-Known Member
By necessity we stock market professionals work off the internet, traders use internet to trade and fundamental investors use the internet to research buys. Now my question is that how should be avoid getting distracted? As in today era a person can click on one interesting link and find that he has wasted 3-4 hours reading random BS and didnt do any work.


Well-Known Member
Al Brook says ,

"One market one chart,no TV, curtains down,no telephone,browser off",

... you may contribute more
Browser off can apply to traders, But what about fundamental analysts who dwell in the realm of all that is google.

In a typical day, I spend most of my time researching stock in the morning and noon. I read and study in the evening. But example, I am searching for news on a cos and some other headline catches my eye, then the roller coaster begins. :annoyed:
I can understand. That happens. Honestly, beginners have so much stuff to read. So as long as its adding to your knowledge base, its not that bad too. But you need to balance and allocate time for learning, practicing and trading. Discipline is really important.
Yes, distractions do happen, but then its all in one’s mind, it all depends on how determined and passionate one is. Keep practicing and become so disciplined, that these distractions don’t have any affect. Try to follow a plan while trading, that helps.