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    Swing Trading Options???? Posible???

    Swing trading with options is a very viable strategy, and it requires the same level of technical analysis as simple swing trading. It can be hugely profitable, and the main advantage is that swing trades are normally very short term (3-10 days), and so you are not affected so much by time...
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    Riskless profit

    I agree! Trading without risk is only for disneyland! However, trading some option strategies (especially credits spreads) is much lower risk than straight stock investing, and much easier too.
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    Low Risk Options Trading Strategy - Option Spreads

    Hi Jamit-05. I am trading credit spreads actively, for a weekly or monthly income. Nice safe strategy!
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    Hi! I have been trading options, and especially credit spreads, for about 5 years. I used to get bogged down in technical analysis, but now I have settled on a simple approach. I joined this forum to connect with other options traders and exchange ideas - I want to learn more about more complex...
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    So anybody is actually in profits just trading Options

    Many guys lose at options, because they trade them like stocks. The thinking must be different. I started by trading credit spreads with $2000. Now I do iron condors, naked puts, DITM etc. Yes, I make money!:clap:
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    Hello All! I have been investing part time for about 10 years, mostly with options trading, credit spreads and DITM options. I love what I do and I do what I love! Looking to interact with other options traders. :clapping: