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  • I request you to answer my following questions.

    I want to join sharekhan borking , before that i want to know the following things,

    1) i want to give after market order in nifty index future , and in nifty index option for

    buying, selling , and short sell . i want to know, sharekhan will allow / accept to give

    after maket order in nifty index future, nifty index option, for buy , selling, short selling.

    1) I also want to know that after market order given through sharekhan hit the exchange

    at which time ( i. e. that is sharp at 9.55 am , are after 9.55am ) ,

    IF After market order hit the exchange after 9.56 am , THEN IT IS WORTH LESS FOR ME.

    i am waiting for you answer , so please send yor anawers as soon as possible , you can send the answer to my email also, my emial id is MYACCOUNT26@*****.COM

    OR if you are posting the answer in traderji.com then mension which topic or link i can see you answer
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